• Accounting Systems
  • Cash Flow Processes
  • Advisor Coordination
  • Budgeting & Forecasting
  • Production & Operations
  • Banking & Capital
  • Strategic Financial Planning
  • Risk Assessments
  • Revenue
  • Operating Rhythm
  • Succession or Exit Planning
  • Readiness & Attractiveness
  • Price/Multiple

Ty Tennyson

  • CFO
  • Cincinnati Metro

Ty has over 27 years of experience in finance and operations, heavily concentrated in the financial services industry and private companies. Experienced in Financial Services, Third Party Logistics, Airline, and Heavy Manufacturing. Led strategic financial planning and analysis, corporate strategy development, product development, organizational development, and retail operations

Before FocusCFO

Prior to joining FocusCFO, Ty spent the majority of his career in Financial Services leading financial planning and analysis, strategy development, and organizational development. He had a non-linear career that spanned finance, real estate, product, e-commerce, marketing and credit. Ty began his career as an internal auditor for a heavy manufacturing company and then spend the next 12 years in FP&A across several industries. The second half of his career was spent leading large organizational development initiatives and continuous improvement initiatives.

    Other Interests

    • What did you want to be when you grew up?  I originally went to college to be an architect. Although I graduated with a business degree, I still use a lot of the ideation skills I learned in architecture to shape how I approach business issues. I also do remodeling and design work in my free time as a hobby.
    • Who/what is your favorite musical artist/or song?  Pearl Jam - I was coming of age during the grunge era and Pearl Jam was my go-to group.
    • What is your favorite way to spend free time?  Spending time with my daughters and wife - whether it's a big vacation or just watching TV together.

What attracted you
to FocusCFO?

I grew up in a family-owned business and loved the passion that all levels of the organization showed for their mission. After almost 30 years in corporate America it was the right time to go back to my roots. FocusCFO allows me to partner with small businesses and share my experiences in order to help foster their growth and success. In addition, the team and collaboration-based culture at FocusCFO is a unique and exciting place for me to continue my personal and professional learning.

Curated insights by Ty Tennyson